Friday, January 14, 2011

Beautiful video and Bone Marrow Drive Update

Kelle Hampton is a well-known blogger whose birth of Nella last year caused an blogworld sensation.  She describes, poignantly, the myriad feelings one has when one gives birth to a child with Down syndrome.

On the eve of Nella's first birthday, she put together a beautiful video about Nella and many others with DS.  If you love someone with Down syndrome, you will love seeing the many faces and hearing the message of acceptance and hope.  To see the video, go to Kelle's blog here

(Yes, the video also mentions fundraising. If you want more info about Nella's ONEder Fund, click here)


UPDATE:  I want to thank everyone who has prayed for Lois in the past week.  Keep praying!

The Bone Marrow drive went really well (my husband was the first one added that day!).   According to Lois' mom, "fifty three new names were added to the National Bone Marrow Registry today, and $2,500 dollars was raised to help support the work of the Registry - all in Lois's name."
Super Lois!

Thank you for all of your support.  If you have yet to be registered as a bone marrow donor, scroll down to the end of the last post for the link to the marrow registry.  It is EASY and may save a life!

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